Valentina Mihai

ReBoot Founder

Personal Trainer

Online Coach

Pilates Instructor

Movement & Mobility

Pre & Post Natal

Soft Tissue Therapist

Medical Acupuncturist

Level 2 Certificate in Awareness on Mental Health Problems


I have been working with people all my life. Something I have come to realise over the years is how much we all struggle with low mood and never tell a soul. Our friends and family would never know. We mask it, bury it away and focus on meeting expectations. We compare ourselves to the people who appear to have it all together, all the time. The ones who are always smiling, looking good and are, apparently, full of energy. We feel like we are getting something wrong or there is something wrong with us. We buy into the idea that some people are just like that, and happiness is some sort of personality type, you either have it or you don’t. If we see low mood as purely a fault in the brain, we don’t believe we can change so instead, we get to work on hiding it. We go about the day, doing all the right things, smiling at all the right people, yet all the time feeling a bit empty and dragged down by that low mood and those negative thoughts, not enjoying things in the way we think we should.

So, I wanted to create a place where people can learn that transformation is not about looking good in bikini or swimming trunks, transformation is about how you feel. I’m creating a place where people come to train so they can get stronger, sleep better, keep up with their toddlers and children, avoid diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases… a place where people can feel the transformational effects of taking care of yourself.

A place that introduces people to the idea that working out and developing healthier eating habits are not only necessary to lose, or gain, a few pounds, but can improve physical limitations and transform lives through every aspect.

Hi, I’m Valentina!

A passionate Personal Trainer, Online Coach, Pilates Instructor and Soft Tissue Therapist who fell in love with guiding people through their fitness journeys and beyond.

Funnily enough, I do not have one of those amazing stories about how fitness changed my life, or perhaps I do…

I decided to become a trainer when someone asked me why it was that I worked in a casino when the gym was clearly my favourite place to be. That person had a point, I was spending two hours a day in the gym, trying to forget how much my night job and lifestyle back then bothered me, and I was loving it. Yes, my body was physically changing but that was not the point, that was a bonus. At the gym, endorphins were floating in the air and I was in an environment that made me happy, I was loving the sweat, the burn and being out of breath.

Months later I became a trainer and I’ve never felt like I’ve been working since. Just like everyone else, there are times when I get mentally and physically exhausted but I enjoy every minute of my work, I continue educating myself and learning, I get better with every single session I do and with every client I work with. 

Who is REBOOT for, what makes it different and why choose it?

ReBoot is for all adults who would like to change their lifestyle and are ready to put the effort into it but don’t know where to begin. This is not a place where we do quick fixes nor like crazy diets. Together, we build SUSTAINABLE results without traumatising the mind and the body. It might take longer but it is worth every single step and drop of sweat. Male or female, lose or gain weight, build muscles or overall strength, feel better or ache less, pregnant or post partum, deal with an injury or rehab one, or simply want to live a healthier and more active lifestyle, you are in the right place.

At Reboot you will learn to move better. Too many people live in pain. Whether it is lower or upper back, knee or hip, shoulder or simply a wrist pain, the majority of us think that this is part of life. So we swallow a bunch of anti-inflammatory and pain killer tablets, destroying our joints’ cartilage on the way, being prone to arthritis and stomach issues, telling ourselves that this is how life ‘after 30s’ look like. That is NOT how life should be. Whether it is picking up your child or the groceries bags, driving or sitting down for hours for a living, you DESERVE a pain free life. We ALL do and we OWE it to ourselves!

At Reboot you will find a balance. You will learn that, in order to have a healthy and fit life, you do NOT have to stop going out with friends, enjoying a Sunday roast, a drink or a pizza. It’s all about finding that BALANCE, and this is where I make sure to guide you, support you, educate you and empower you with the knowledge you need to make the SWITCH.

My approach…

“Being fit is a lifestyle. Just because you’ve reached a certain goal, doesn’t mean you should stop.”

My philosophy of training is to meet you at your level of fitness and take you where you want to go. This journey isn’t always easy or smooth, but my indomitable spirit and ability to challenge your comfort zone is what pushes you beyond your limits and produces results.

I believe adherence is the number one determiner of how successful a program will be, and adherence means different things to different people. Your fitness goals and health needs are unique, and your bio-individuality demands that we take a customised approach to your wellness.

So, I’m here to empower you to take control of your health so you can thrive, not simply survive. It’s my goal to enhance your physical and mental performance, yet also equip you with the knowledge of how to continue making progress independently.